How to Practice Transcendental Meditation
The History of Transcendental Meditation Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (“Maharishi”) (1917-2008), is the founder of the Transcendental Meditation technique. Maharishi Mahesh...
The Niyamas – A Lesson in Yoga Philosophy, Part 2
This is the second article in a series of 8. If you haven’t read about the yamas, please check it...
The Yamas – A Lesson in Yoga Philosophy, Part 1
The Foundation of Yoga When we talk about yoga as asana (postures), we are only referring to one of 8...
Create Your Own H(om)e Meditation Altar: A Sacred Space
Why Do You Need An Altar? The short answer? You don’t. However, if you decide that a mindfulness practice is...
7 Spiritual Hygiene Tips for Empaths and Highly Sensitive People
How do I know if I'm an Empath? Have you ever walked into a room and felt other's emotions in...
Alignment: Coming Into the Power of the Authentic Self
Aligning with the authentic self is predicated on listening. Deeply. Yet, how many of us truly listen to our deepest...
Loving-Kindness Meditation: What It Is & How To Do It
What Is Loving Kindness? Loving-kindness, or Metta Bhavana, is a meditation practice that focuses on cultivating unconditional loving kindness for...
When Spirituality Becomes Harmful: “Spiritual Bypassing” & Avoiding Our Issues
** Disclaimer: trauma is different than what is addressed in this article. If you or someone you love is experiencing...
Mindfulness 101
We’re supposed to be levitating or something. Or at the very least stay in a peaceful, blissed out space where...